This track was originally created as part of a competition from Indaba who is no longer with us, to quote Indaba: ‘The Indaba Music community is made of 1.2 million music producers – from emerging artists to Grammy Award winners. We are committed to giving musicians the tools, resources, and opportunties they need to create music in the 21st cenutry.’
Hollywood Principle are great, you can listen to the original here, chilled and emotive all at the same time, Kayla Hope sounds fantastic:
“‘Trippin’ on You’ is a story about the strong bond between two people who love each other. Whether it’s a romantic love, or the love shared between close friends, it ties people together and has the unique ability to make them stronger.
Wow, Kayla Hope’s vocals on the original are just awesome, so enjoyed remixing this track! Added my favourite electronica spin for this version. Enjoy 😀